Thursday 15.10.2009                   9:00–13:00 

Preliminary agenda of the parallel meeting of

“Detectors and Electronics WGs”

conveners: O. Dorvaux & P. Bednarczyk

 (Room  5301, 1st  floor)


P. Bednarczyk - O. Dorvaux : opening session (5’)

C. Finck “Test bench results obtained in Strasbourg” (20’+ 10’)

J-A Scarpaci “Last results obtained with a long LaBr3 in IPN Orsay” (5’ + 10’)


J. Pouthas – “What could we learn from detailled simulations on a single crystal ?” (20’ + 10’)

D. Balabanski – ”Results of the test of an array at Bucharest with 5 LaBr3 + 7 Ge”  (15’ + 10’)

M. Rousseau “Possible DT5 digital electronics”  (10 min + 10 min)


A. Czermak & B. Dulny “Development of common digital electronics for SPIRAL2 detectors, especially PARIS” (20’+10”)

K. Hadyρska “Tests of cubic 2”x2”x2” LaBr3 in Krakow and Warsaw” (10’+5’)


I. Mazumdar “Tests of LaBr3 crystals in TIFR Mumbai” (10’+5”)


O. Roberts “Tests on neutron response of LaBr3 in York” (10’+15’)




P. Bednarczyk - O. Dorvaux : concluding remarks and closing session